Cricket's Sponsorship

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Pawsitive Perspectives Assistance Dogs
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Your donation to sponsor Cricket helps keep her healthy and happy as a service dog in training!


raised by 1 people

$500 goal

Cricket is a 12-week-old Labrador Retriever. She is just starting to work towards being partnered with an individual with a physical disability or Type 1 Diabetes.

Cricket is beginning to learn skills like touching buttons and turning on lights, but our main focus for the first several weeks has been carefully and purposefully exposing her to a variety of places, people and new things! She is truly enjoying the socialization process!

Your monthly, or one time donation, to sponsor Cricket provides her with what she needs in a typical month.  Here's a snapshot at what your donation can provide: 

$5 - provides Cricket with a new enrichment toy 

$10 - provides a month of training treats for Cricket

$15 - provides a month of grooming supplies (toothpaste, ear cleaner, and shampoo) for Cricket

$25 - provides Cricket with a month of preventatives (Heartgard and Nexgard) to keep her healthy 

$50 - provides a month of food for Cricket

$100 - covers all of Cricket’s typical needs for a month

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